Neuralift AI is Born to Run

🚀 📈 Today I am pleased to announce Neuralift AI. The first Applied AI built to optimize consumer conversion rate and other essential marketing KPIs. It redefines customer intelligence and is a step-change in the use of first-party customer data.

Built for marketing leaders and the innovation and analytics teams that support customer growth, Neuralift AI surfaces actionable insights contextualized within the framework of your business. Using your data and your KPIs the first-of-its-kind architecture combines AI on tabular data with GenAI tuned for marketing explainability and relevant content generation. Results dwarf pre-existing methodologies and superpower marketing operations and workflow by optimally matching your customers with relevant marketing strategies, tactics and content.

On-demand availability ensures an ‘outcomes-as-a-service’ approach to solve marketing use cases for optimizing revenue, profits and value faster than your competitors. Brands yet to deeply engage in customer data analysis are instantly propelled to the forefront of modern AI. Data-driven teams using SQL queries and ML modeling can instantly transform operational efficiency from months to minutes while eradicating cognitive biases and eliminating data reduction.

As a next-gen application Neuralift AI is additive, not reductive or a replacement for anything you use now and integrates into your brand’s private cloud, on-premises infrastructure or via secure upload. Data quantity is no longer a constraint but an advantage. The architecture scales and auto-optimizes GPUs. Data-structure neutral, the AI effectively processes any file that has columns associated with a unique ID without necessitating personally identifiable information (PII). With SOC 2 compliance, data integrity and security is always ensured. Whatever customer data you have and wherever you have it, Neuralift AI instantly makes it better.

Neuralift AI is a speed and scale of value creation from customer data that is simply unprecedented. If you are interested in getting into the private preview please email and follow us for more exciting announcements in the weeks and months ahead. 


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